Friends we have loved and lost.

UKC CH Doubleplay on Nike with Sadie of Rosewood “Sadie”
12/30/2011 to 1/13/2025
In Loving Memory
My beloved Sadie, my heart is so broken my tears just won’t stop.
You were the most beautiful puppy I had ever seen, when I picked you up at the airport you just melted my heart. You were my first conformation dog and taught me about the show ring. You earned your UKC Championship before producing the most gorgeous puppies I have ever seen, having many that became service dogs. Your beauty and brains were passed down to help so many people.
You loved to hunt and if we weren’t looking you would go and steal the birds off the four wheelie. I’ll miss your goofy personality and your little jog hop when you got old. I’m so happy we got to celebrate your 13th birthday, but I knew the time was coming.
Having to make this decision is exceptionally hard for me to do, but it’s time for you to fly free beautiful girl. I love you with all my heart and I will miss you. Rest in Peace. ❤️❤️❤️💔💔
Rosewood’s High Rollers Playing Blackjack “Blackjack”
09/09/2012 to 04/07/2023
What a beautiful dog you were. You only sired a couple of litters but you had gorgeous babies. You loved to get out and hunt pheasants. One of your favorite things to do was retrieve bumpers, you had such a soft mouth. You loved to swim and play in the water. Run free beautiful boy and go play with you friend Smokey. We love and miss you Rest in Peace.

Silver Dollars Smokin on the Water RN “Smokey”
1/16/2010 to 2/16/2023
Rest in Peace our big chocolate boy. What a hunting dog you were, having shot hundreds of pheasants over you. When we’d invite people over for a hunt, you always used to find their birds. Not an unkind bone in your body with a soft mouth never putting a hole in a bird. You loved to swim and retrieve ducks. You received a Rally Novice title at a young age and loved to play with puppies. You were so cute the way you would jump up and lean on us for a pet.
We love and miss you big guy. Until we meet again.
UKC CH Rosewood’s Driving a Bentley to Trouble
1/13/2014 to 12/26/2022
My beautiful beautiful Bentley Boo you were so kind and I will truly miss you buddy.
My first Trouble/Sadie breeding I was so excited to take you into the show ring and you did well, consistently getting reserve winners dog several times and becoming a UKC Champion.
When it came time for you to make beautiful babies we found out you were sterile, it broke my heart. I’m so thankful for Tami and her family for giving you a loving home until liver cancer took your life. I love you Bentley Boo. Rest in peace big guy.

Rosewood’s Meant To Be M&M RN "M"
Dear “M”
What are we going to do with ourselves without you. The saying “Let the Dog Out, Let the Dog In” was made for you LOL!! I had never let a dog in and out as much as you so you could go on your walk about.
You never got to be a mama dog because you just weren’t right for breeding, but you helped raise all the puppies that we got as if they were your own.
Hunting was your favorite things ever!!! if dad went out of the house with a gun and not you, you would put up quite a ruckus. All the pheasants everyone missed, you would go out later and find them. Even in your later years EIC would pull you down you would keep on going. Just had to get that bird!
You received had a Rally Title that you earned at a very young age, if I remember correctly about a year old.
We love you girl and will miss you dearly. Rest In Peace baby until we meet again.
7/1999 to 10/18/2021
My beautiful Sonny, I remember when you were born in my closet 22 years ago. You were so tiny and cute and grew into a beautiful adult cat. You got mauled by a dog when you were only 2 and lived through it, but never went outside again. Your time has come. You have lived a very long life and now you can play with all your dog friends in heaven. Rest In Peace beautiful girl.

Rosewood's Raspberry Mocha Delight "Razzle"
3/29/2011 to 1/12/2021
My beautiful Razzle Dazzle. That damn cancer took your life. You are the kindest dog and make absolutely gorgeous puppies. I’m so happy I kept Angel to carry on your legacy.
You reminded me daily of your grandpa Gander. You look and act like him, I was always calling you Gander.
You loved to swim and run through the brush and retrieve bumpers. You didn’t like the feathers so much but that was ok.
I love you Razzle and you will be dearly missed. Rest In Peace beautiful boy 😇❤️
Rosewood's Princess Tiara She's The Boss RN
“Tiara” -TBear”
8/10/2010 to 10/19/2020
My Gorgeous Tiara, so sad to see you leave us now at only 10 years old. You were so very smart, earning a Rally title at only 13 months old and placing high in doing so. You loved to hunt, but thought the Doves were a snacky LOL. Your puppies were extraordinary with looks, ambition and kindness. We love you, and you will be missed pretty girl. Rest In Peace.
Thank you to Ben and Laurel for taking her in her senior years and giving her the life she deserved.

Rosewood’s First Cup of Windriver’s Folger “Folger “
11/11/2012 to 4/9/2020
My beautiful Folger, your puppies are so beautiful, I still see several of them when they come for a visit. And of course your beautiful daughter Bella I see every day to remind me of you.
You loved to hunt pheasants and to go swim in the ponds. We found out you had an eye disease called Entropion so you couldn’t have more puppies, such a shame.
I want to thank the Hunt family for taking you in, and giving you such a warm and wonderful home until your time had come.
Run free beautiful girl, we love and miss you. Until we meet again.
Rosewood's Sweet Cocoa Puff
03/30/2007 - 10/08/2018
My beautiful Ginger / Gander breeding created you, and I couldn’t have been more proud to be a breeder. You were beautiful, kind and smart. At only 4 1/2 months you won at the Sierra Nevada Trials the JR Puppy division, your name will be forever engraved on their traveling trophy, along with a beautiful belt buckle to remind me of you. One of the best memories that I have of dad is from you!! He wanted you so bad but I wouldn’t give you up, so he scratches off a Lotto ticket he then says Cocoa, Cocoa, Cocoa OH I won her!!! LOL!! You passed every picnic test I put you in, but didn’t like the real tests go figure. You loved to go pheasant hunting and I loved hunting with you. I will forever love you and you will be so greatly missed. Rest In Peace beautiful girl.

Wind River's Hanky Panky "Hank"
04/11/2009 - 05/28/2018
Hank you were so absolutely Gorgeous. I used your beautiful Face to advertise our kennel many times. You loved to hunt and had an Incredibly soft mouth. You loved to go to the pond and swim and play. You were taken way to soon, but God needed a playmate for Sasha. You two go run and play. We love you, Rest In Peace gorgeous boy.
Windriver's Rambling Raindancer JH
04/27/2005 - 05/24/2018
Oh my beautiful Sasha, when dad asked if I wanted you I couldn’t believe my ears. I was so excited to own you. I Instantly started training you for the Hunt Test world. It didn’t take you long at all to get your Junior title. You were so smart and willing to learn anything that was thrown your way. You were a fantastic hunting dog with such a wonderful nose and soft mouth you never ruined any birds. You were kind and true and didn’t have a mean bone in your body. You produced such gorgeous puppies, and people were still wanting puppies out of you even after you were done having them. Sasha it’s been my pleasure and honor to own such a beautiful girl. Rest In Peace my beautiful baby, until we meet again, I love you!!
Rosewood's Sweet Gingersnap "Ginger"
07/05/2005 - 12/20/2017
My dear sweet beautiful girl, you didn’t like to fetch, you didn’t like birds or to Hunt, and that was ok!! I loved your defiant attitude that you always had, and your very own Ginger walkabout. Don’t let Ginger off lead because she will go on her walkabout. You were given to us to have those gorgeous Ginger/Gander Puppies and the Legacy will live on through your children, and grand children. Go on a long walkabout in heaven, we love you and will always miss you. Rest In Peace beautiful girl.

Hightest Rosewood's Teddy JH
09/24/2004 - 12/21/2016
Teddy what a beautiful soul you were. Unfortunately due to EIC clearances we could not breed you. So we placed you with a beautiful family who loved you dearly to the end. Happy hunting Teddy and rest in peace. You will be greatly missed.

Hightest Lady of Rosewood "Lady"
6/28/2004 to 8/28/2016
Lady you are the last of the legacy with dad, out of his beautiful "Goose." What a challenge you were right up to the day you died. Full of spirit like none others could touch. I would take you to a Hunt Test and the judges would just close their books because they knew you would do something crazy, like play in a mud puddle two feet from the judges. I would just hear "pick your dog up ma'am". But I would rather lose then break that spirit of yours. Happy hunting girl and now you can be with Rosey. You are loved and will be greatly missed. Rest in Peace.

Windriver's Lilly of Rosewood
7-21-2005 to 10-24-2015
Rest in Peace beautiful girl
It's time to cross that rainbow bridge. You told us a couple of months ago that you weren't ready, but the time has come. You had so many beautiful puppies. Service dogs, hunting dogs, companion dogs you gave us all of them. You always wanted your belly rubbed and was such a kind soul. We love you and will miss you. Rest in peace girl.
4/9/1925 to 7/8/2015
Jim, is was a great pleasure knowing you. I learned so many things about the Hunt Test world from you. It was always a pleasure to run my dog under you, your tests were challenging but always fair. You were like a dad to me and you will be greatly missed. Rest in Peace Jim.
Windriver’s Chasing A Dream JH SH
In Loving Memory
Gander you were my buddy dog and my hunting companion. God was not fair in taking you from me at only 8 years old, we had so much more to do. You were my “star” being in the Cabelas’s Calendar twice in 2010 & 2014, on the North American Hunting Visa Card and in the Hodgekins Catalog. You finally got your Senior Hunt test title after a long haul of trys, that middle finger came up A LOT on your paw. But that was “you” Gander, your personality and I wouldn’t have changed anything about you. I would put you up against ANY hunting dog because you were that good. I will miss hunting with you more than anything. If we lost a bird we would always say get “Gander”. I love you Gander and my eyes still leak for you. Rest in Peace my beautiful boy and I will always be with you.

Windriver’s Rosewood Rambler JH
04/15/2004 – 05/12/2011
In Loving Memory
Rose, I’m sorry girl. The tumor was too big this time to remove and the cancer took your life. You were such a great dog and I will miss you riding around on the 4-wheelie with me. I have never seen a dog like to ride on a machine as much as you. You earned your Junior title at a very young age and you were so smart. You were the first to start Rosewood Retrievers, but due to bad hips never got to be a mama dog, but you made the best mascot. You loved to retrieve and swim and run with Lady, she is missing you. Rose we love you and we miss you deeply. Rest in Peace.
12/16/1936 - 3/16/2011
Sami, there were two things I got from my dad in 1997. One was a black Labrador puppy and the other was your phone number. He said, "Call this lady and she will help you get started in hunt testing." You were so kind and so nice to me, not making me feel stupid for not knowing what I was doing. You were always there to help me figure things out and got me involved in Wasatch Hunting Retriever Club. Before I knew it I was on the Board of Directors. I gained great knowledge and wisdom from you on this sport. Your friendship to me will never be forgotten. Sami you will be missed greatly in my heart and soul. Rest in Peace.
3/31/2007 - 4/18/2009
Dear Ron and Virginia,
Unfortunately I am writing to let you know that our dearest Hazel was taken from us today. Our hearts are broken, and we are mourning the loss of our baby girl. We miss her so very much! She wasn't just a dog to us!. She was our little girl. She made our family a family. Hazel brought joy to us everyday. Her beautiful spirit is always with us. We thank you again for our sweet angel. She truly was a sweet angel.
Jon and Elva Shepard

Macs Boy Sue of Pennin SH
12/23/1996 - 11/19/2008
Sue you were my first hunt test dog, and what a challenge it was. I remember you dragging me to the line, all 110 lbs of you, until you finally learned the word heal. But what a wonderful dog you were, so kind and not a mean bone in your body. You and dad taught me what I know about this sport and I thank you. Now you can visit dad in heaven and can go on a long hunt together. Sue I will miss you deeply. Rest in peace
Koloa Maoli of Pennin
11/4/1996 - 4/29/2010
My dear Gopher owning you were such a delight. You made it through testicular cancer 6 years. What a strong dog you were. But now your time has come. It's now a complete package, Dad, Goose, Sue and You together again.
"Happy Hunting"

9/4/1978 – 11/27/2008
Ron and I would always go to the Hightest kennels when we would visit my dad in California. Jared was kind and caring. He would help us with any questions that we may need answered with great wisdom and knowledge. Even though he had so much on his plate at the kennels, he was never to busy to at least stop and talk for a few minutes. His training was implacable and who ever received a retriever that had been training by Jared was receiving a real treasure. Jared our hearts are broken with this tragic news, you will forever be with us and will never be forgotten. We will miss you. Rest in peace.
Goosepits Gotta Get a Goslin, SH
6/18/1997 - 03/07/2008
Goose was a wonderful dog, she would do anything that was asked of her. She had so much spirit when it came to Hunt testing, but was calm in the house. She had 5 beautiful litters of puppies, which produced many Titled dogs such as FC Black Ty Affair and Hightest Desert Mouse MH,and so many others. She will be greatly missed.
Sir Duke of Birdie of Dakota
6/23/1999 - 12/14/2007

11/23/1996 - 2/22/2006